Exchange Graph
Querying the graph
The Exchange Graph API provides two root elements called assets
and asset
The assets
element can be used to search assets in Exchange using multiple criteria.
The asset
element can be used to obtain detailed information about a specific asset, and related platform entities, by providing at least the groupId and assetId.
All the arguments for the root elements and the response schemas can be explored in the GraphiQL graphical interface.
Search for assets using the assets
Build a search query by specifying different arguments within the assets
element. The available arguments are:
- organizationIds ([String]): A list of organization IDs to filter by. This enables asking for assets belonging to specific business groups.
- public (Boolean): Fetch only assets that are publicly shared.
- categories ([CategorySearchField]): Fetch assets that have these categories. Example:
- customFields (CustomSearchFields) Fetch assets that have these custom fields. Example:
- masterOrganizationId (String): This enables asking for assets belonging to a specific master organization ID.
- searchTerm (String): Use this field for free text searches.
- types ([String]): A list of types to filter by. Examples:
- offset (Int): Pagination control. The number of assets to skip when returning the result. Defaults to 0.
- limit (Int): Pagination control. The number of assets to return in one page. Defaults to 20.
- minMuleVersion (String): Fetch assets that have this
. - isGenerated (Boolean): Fetch only assets that were auto-generated as a
. - extensionModel (ExtensionModelInput): Fetch assets that have these extension models. Example:
- labels ([String]): Fetch assets that have these labels. Example:
labels: ["mulesoft-certified"]
- latestVersionsOnly (Boolean): Fetch only the assets' latest versions.
- sharedWithMe (Boolean): Fetch only assets shared with my user account.
Example requests to search using the graph
- Return the third 10 item page of Mule 4.0.0 extensions for the MuleSoft organization.
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"query":"{assets(organizationIds: [\"68ef9520-24e9-4cf2-b2f5-620025690913\"], minMuleVersion: \"4.0.0\", types: [\"extension\"], offset: 20, limit: 10) {groupId assetId version}}"}'
- Return the first 5 item page of REST APIs with Product API version named
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"query":"{assets(types: [\"rest-api\"], offset: 0, limit: 5, latestVersionsOnly: true) {groupId assetId version}}"}'
Search for asset by lifecycle state
To search for an asset by lifecycle state, replace ANYPOINT_TOKEN
with your information, replace [development, published, deprecated]
with your list of desired lifecycle states, and execute this command:
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Authorization: bearer ANYPOINT_TOKEN' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"query":"{assets(status:[development, published, deprecated]){groupId assetId version status}}"}'
Get a particular asset using the asset
If you know the groupId, assetId, and/or version (GAV) of an asset, you can access it using the asset
element. The available arguments are:
- organizationId (String): The organization ID of the asset's organization.
- groupId (String): The group ID of the asset to retrieve.
- assetId (String): The asset ID of the asset to retrieve.
- version (String): The version of the asset to retrieve.
- versionGroup (String): The version group of the asset to retrieve.
- public (Boolean): Fetch only assets that were publicly shared.
Example requests to retrieve an asset using the graph
- Returns the asset with the specified GAV.
curl -X POST \]( \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"query":"{asset(groupId: \"org.mule.connectors\",assetId: \"mule-db-connector\",version: \"1.2.1\"){groupId assetId version}}"}'
- Returns all the versions of an asset given its
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"query":"{asset(groupId: \"org.mule.connectors\",assetId: \"mule-db-connector\"){groupId assetId otherVersions { version }}}"}'
Consume asset and its lifecycle state
To consume an asset and its lifecycle state, replace ANYPOINT_TOKEN, :groupId, :assetId, and :version with your information, and execute this command:
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Authorization: bearer ANYPOINT_TOKEN' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"query":"{asset(groupId: \":groupId\",assetId: \":assetId\",version: \":version\"){groupId assetId version status}}"}'